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Guides and Directories Websites
Includes General Interest online guides and directories on India.- Category ID : 111101
2 - CIA - The World Factbook: India
Features map and brief descriptions of the geography, people, government, economy, communications, transportation, military and transnational issues.
3 - National Portal of India
Official site of the Government of India, with a directory of official web sites of various departments, organisations and agencies.
4 - Wikipedia - India
Account of the country, its geography, people, politics. Links to pages with information on states, regions, and other topics.
5 -
Provides country specific statistical information about many areas of interest. Only part of site accessible without further registration and login.
6 - Indian Mirror
Guide offering information on arts, culture, tradition, people, religion, cuisine, games, history, geography and tourist spots.
9 -
Includes a set of short articles on culture and heritage, architecture, music, dance, fairs and festivals, and other cultural topics.
12 - 121 India
Portal with news, entertainment, matrimonials, and business. Provide free email.
13 -
Searchable Web directory of sites specific to India, with hit count for each link, and the means for users to rate the value of each link.
14 -
Listings of India-related information, and links to news, weather and topical sites.
16 - Where In City
Includes yellow pages, classifieds, state and local information, and listings.
17 - US Department of State - India
Country portal offers a map and links to background notes, countrysStudy, the US embassy and the current ambassador, USAID page, press releases, fact sheets, annual Human Rights reports and other major reports.
18 - India Server
Featuring a web site directory, news, weather forecast, recipes, and information on festivals.
19 - India Temples Info
Provides information on famous temples in India, astrology, festivals, yoga, meditation, tours & travel, shopping, jokes, and mantras.
20 - Zomato
Restaurants in India listed by cities, along with user reviews, menus, location and other specifications.