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Parliamentary Procedure Websites

Lists professional parliamentary procedure organizations, sources of materials and information, and where to find free consulting and materials. Click on "Parliamentarians" for a listing of active parliamentarians. All titles are listed alphabetically.- Category ID : 106082
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National Association of Parliamentarians (NAP)

The National Association of Parliamentarians is dedicated to teaching, promoting, and disseminating the philosophy and principles underlying the rules of deliberative assemblies.
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American Institute of Parliamentarians (AIP)

The mission of the American Institute of Parliamentarians is to foster, promote and teach the highest standards of parliamentary procedure, in keeping with the principles of parliamentary law and the adopted parliamentary authority.
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Robert McConnell Productions

Offers videos, books, and procedure advice from a registered parliamentarian at the Dear Parliamentarian column.
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A Manual of Parliamentary Practice

A complete reprint of the 1812 manual by Thomas Jefferson that was used by the United States Senate. Includes the rules of motions and how they are used.
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Survival Tips on Roberts Rules of Order

Roberts Rules of Order are indispensable to surviving as an officer or a member in an organization. I simplify the needed survival tools to defend your ideas.
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Democratic Rules of Order

Description, comparison, and comments about the 7th edition of this 72-page book of parliamentary procedure, written by Fred and Peg Francis.
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The Parliamentary Procedure Instructional Materials Center

Catalog of parliamentary procedure references and quality teaching resources, workshops, glossary, links, frequently asked questions, how to write minutes, mnemonics, and consulting and materials.
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Open Meeting Laws, A Legal Treatise by Ann Taylor Schwing

Analysis of laws and cases of all fifty states, addressing constitutional principles, public policy and statutory construction, entities subject to these laws, procedural and other requirements, litigation, violations, and remedies.
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Canadian House of Commons Procedure and Practice /La procédure et les usages de la Chambre des communes

This is an English and French online version of House of Commons Procedure and Practice (2000 Edition), created to provide users with searchable, easy to navigate access to one of the key procedural authorities used by Members of the Canadian House of Commons.
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General Parliamentary Procedure

The use of parliamentary procedure in the U.S. House of Representatives: Principles of adding amendments, a germaneness test, committee rules, points of order, and a pocket guide on floor procedures.
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Parliamentary procedure centralized reference. Meeting procedure template, basic procedure and overview.
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Oklahoma State Association of Parliamentarians

The purpose of OSAP is to study, teach, and promote the fundamental principles and philosophies of parliamentary law in the state of Oklahoma; and to bring into closer cooperation all parliamentarians in the state.
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Parliamentary Procedure

Advice from Dr. John A. Cagle, California State University, Fresno.
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Parliamentary Procedures at California State University, Chico

General purposes, principles, and parliamentary terms, with examples of how to transact business at meetings and in committees, with chart of descriptive characteristics of motions.
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Colorado Association of Parliamentarians

Teaches effective meeting procedures, promotes the study and practice of parliamentary procedure, and offers consulting and advisory services.
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SkillsUSA Parliamentary Procedure Competition

Event Chapter Business Procedure consists of student teams of six members who demonstrate their knowledge of parliamentary procedure in both a written exam and a team demonstration in accordance with Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised.
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California State PTA Meeting Tips

Features guidelines from the California bylaws committee. California State PTA publications are also listed.
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Rules Used By the United States Congress

The parliamentary procedure rules used by the U.S. House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate are listed.
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Canada House of Commons Parliamentary Procedure Glossary

A detailed glossary of parliamentary procedure terms and phrases used by the Canada House of Commons. Listed in both English or French.
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