OpenStreetMap is a collaborative project to collect and distribute free geographic data, in order to allow the production of mapping and other geodata products without legal or technical restrictions on their use.- Category ID : 105476
The Free Wiki World Map – An openly licensed map of the world being created by volunteers using local knowledge, GPS tracks and donated sources. Includes an interactive map and details of how to get involved.
An international non-profit organisation supporting the OpenStreetMap project. Includes constitution, details of meetings, finances, working groups, and a list of board members and officers.
Project to help develop and expand OpenStreetMap in the West Midlands region of the UK. Includes an online map, error reporting tool, details of projects, blog, and how to get involved.
Paper that considers five case-study cities and towns and compares spatial coverage, currency, and ground-truth positional accuracy. No clear winner is found amongst the three mapping platforms.
Premium Wordpress plugin, allowing users to pin, organize and share their favorite spots and tracks. Site includes details of features, reviews, showcases, FAQ, and full documentation.