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Educational Testing Websites

This directory contains information about educational testing issues, current large-scale and high-stakes standardized tests, new developments in educational assessment, current controversies about testing, and the websites for test developers and administrators. Although this category is listed under "Colleges and Universities", sites on issues related to testing at the K-12 level are listed here, as are sites that address the general philosophy of testing students at any age. There is no material on test preparation techniques or services in this directory, save for the services that testing organizations provide and list on their main websites. Independent sites containing articles that pertain to the usefulness and applicability of different types of test preparation (while not recommending one service over another) may be included. Those looking only for specific information regarding non-profit and commercial test preparation services should go to: Open Directory Reference: Educa- Category ID : 104356
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World Class Arena

International initiative designed to identify and assess gifted and talented students. Devised by the Department for Education and Skills in the UK. Example questions, online assessments, registration details for schools. Focuses on mathematics and problem solving.
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Practical Assessment, Research, and Evaluation

Referreed, full-text on-line journal whose purpose is to provide education professionals access to relevant articles that can have a positive impact on assessment, research, evaluation, and teaching practices.
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National Assessment Governing Board

Provides specifics on the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) as well as the proposed Voluntary National Tests in Reading and Math.
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National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP)

NAEP reports on U.S. student performance with comprehensive information about what students at grades 4, 8, and 12 know and can do in various subject areas.
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Building Tests to Support Instruction and Accountability

Information from The Commission on Instructionally Supportive Assessment concerning best practices for designing and implementing standardized testing.
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Organizations and Individuals to Contact for Information on Testing

Directory of contact information for the testing industry.
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Collaborative Testing and Test Performance

Presents the results of a study that shows that collaborative testing alone has a significant positive association with test performance.
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Test Design

Discussion of the question of how "difficult" should a test be?
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Question Base

A free questions editor and tester. The program must be downloaded before any questions can be identified.

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