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Science Websites

The Ask an Expert: Science category is for websites that allow users to submit their own questions relating to different areas of scientific study. While archives of answers and information are useful, in order to get listed in this category, there must be a live human answering questions, not just a search engine or computer.

In addition, this category is for sites that provide this human service free of charge. Answers that are available for a fee should be listed in Ask an Expert: For a Fee. Businesses that are trying to promote their services should be listed according to their industry and/or geography. Forums also are not appropriate for this category, and should be submitted to the relevant subject category, as they are a different type of site and have a different function.

Again, we ONLY want web sites where you can submit questions to a pool of experts and have them supply an answer.

- Category ID : 94919
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How Things Work

Ask about almost anything related to the physical world, and check the well-organized archives for answers to previous interesting questions.
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USGS - Ask A Geologist

Ask earth scientists at USGS questions about volcanoes, earthquakes, mountains, rocks, maps, ground water, lakes, or rivers through email.
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Ask A Scientist

You can ask a scientist a question on the WWW MadSciNet: The 24-hour exploding laboratory.
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Curious about Astronomy? Ask an Astronomer!

Browse archives of previous questions and answers, or submit a question to be answered by astronomers at Cornell University.
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What is What

Aims to give easy answers to everyday questions. They define words, acronyms, and ideas. They have a computer-related and open-source slant.
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Science Buddies: Answers to Your Science Questions

Ask questions and get help with your science fair project.
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PhysLink - Ask the Experts

Post physics and astronomy questions.
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eNature: Ask an Expert

Naturalists answer questions about nature and wildlife.
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NASA: Scientist Chats

Runs live chatting events and hosts pages to ask questions about a variety of disciplines.
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Science Questions & Answers

Expert responses to questions on biology, chemistry, geology, and other branches of science.
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