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Health Websites

Travel health deals with the prevention, cure and management of health problems of travelers.

Possible topics include the global epidemiology of health risks to the traveler, vaccinology, malaria prevention, and pre-travel counseling designed to maintain the health of the travelers.- Category ID : 94354
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WHO: International Travel and Health

Biannual publication on international travel and health, including vaccination requirements and health advice from World Health Organization.
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International Association for Medical Assistance to Travellers

Travel health advice, including information for various countries and a medical directory of participating clinics and doctors.
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TravelHealth UK

Practical advice on travel topics, including preventing accidents, stress, insurance, family holidays, mature and disabled travelers, sexual health, and animal bites.
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MD Travel Health

Health risks and services in many countries, infectious diseases and suggested immunizations, illness prevention, and special needs travelers.
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Deployment Health Clinical Center

US military web resource providing information and assistance to military personnel post-deployment.
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Aviation Health

A charity providing information and funding research into the health issues faced by airline passengers.
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International Society of Travel Medicine

Education and research including preventive and curative medicine within specialties of tropical medicine, infectious diseases, high altitude physiology, travel related obstetrics, psychiatry, occupational health, military and migration medicine and environmental health.
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Travel Doctor

General information as well as customized lists of travel medicines, vaccines and malaria tablets.
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Kids Travel Doc

Tips for healthy travel with children, including various destinations, food and water, insect and sun precautions.
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Information and news on aerotoxic syndrome, caused by breathing cabin air on aircraft that is contaminated by engine oil or hydraulic fluid.
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Vacation Constipation

Causes, prevention and remedies for travel constipation.
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