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Organizations Websites

Scouting grew into an international movement within the first year of its existence. International Scouting organizations have grown up to facilitate and support the international aspect of the movement. This category includes those various supporting organizations that assist in the provision of scouting programs on a worldwide basis as well as individual scouting, guiding or girl scouting groups or sections, and their senior councils.

In 1938 Winston S. Churchill made this tribute to BP and the Scouting Movement.

In this uncertain world one cannot be sure of much. But it seems probable that one or two hundred years hence, or it may be more, this monument that we have seen set up in our lifetime will still proclaim the fame of its founder, not in the silent testimony of bronze or stone, but as an institution guiding and shaping the lives and thoughts of men.- Category ID : 93343
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International Catholic Conference of Scouting

Organization for Catholic Scouts. WOSM consultive status.
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World Organization of the Scout Movement (WOSM)

28 million member organization composed of member Scout associations in 216 countries and territories. Offers non-formal education to young people.
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International Scout and Guide Fellowship

Fellowship of adults wishing to keep alive the ideal of service specific to the Scout and Guide Promise.
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International Forum of Jewish Scouts

Program to develop and promote the spirit of brotherhood and understanding among Jewish Scouts, as well as between Jewish Scouts and Scouts of other faiths.
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ACTS - Association of Christians Through Scouting

An organization for Christian Scouters to join together in serving youth through the Scouting Movement.
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World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS)

Contains program information, news and resources for organization that reaches 10 million girls and young women in 145 countries.
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The Eastern Orthodox Committee on Scouting

Provides support, programs, and recognition to the scouts and scouters of Eastern Orthodox faith.
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The UK Uganda Network

Scouting programs and exchange between these countries.
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World Federation of Independent Scouts - Worldwide

Umbrella association for regional organizations.
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World Federation of Independent Scouts - Europe

Official site for WIFS European programs and events.
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International Union of Muslim Scouts

Background information provided by the Organization of the Islamic Conference.
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International Fellowship of Scouting Rotarians

Contains directory of chapters, mission statement, contacts and links for members of Rotary International involved in Scout organizations.
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International Scout Fellowship

The International Scout Fellowship is an organization for former and current adult members and friends of the Scout Movement in support of Traditional Scouting. Affiliated with WFIS.

Subcategories under Organizations 44

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