Information for Sierra Nevada hiker, backpacker and mountaineer. Includes locations and maps of passes and trails, backpacking checklist, clothing, gear, books, weather and photos.
A directory of links to information about backpacking and hiking, including gear, retailers, trails, trip reports, photos, clubs and organizations, and the Pacific Crest Trail.
Dedicated to exploring and protecting the wild areas in Colorado. Sponsors courses and lectures about Rocky Mountain natural history and mountaineering.
This site describes the John Muir trail in its entirety, from Yosemite Valley to Mt. Whitney. There is information about planning a trip, including permits, reservations, meal planning and recipes. A photo gallery accepts submissions from readers.
Site offers an ebook describing how to plan a backpacking trip of John Muir Trail. The website includes a blog (bears, trail history, tips, etc.) and information about the book.