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Rockets Websites

- Category ID : 87757
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NARTS -- NAR Technical Services

Model rocket plans, books, software and technical information.
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News, calendar of events, and forum for rocketry in Indiana.
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Build Your Own Model Rocket Launch Controller

Plans for building a model rocket launch controller.
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Beginning Model Rocketry

Basics of model rocketry for anyone interested in starting the hobby.
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Raptor Space Research

Instructions for building a compressed air launcher.
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Winroc Software

Downloadable software to calculate altitude and center-of-pressure.
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Model Rocket Video Camera Australia

Describes successful experiments using a 2.4GHz ISM band microwave video transmitter and receiver to transmit live colour video and audio from a model rocket to the ground. Download video clips in Windows Media and QuickTime.
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Fly Rockets

An introduction to sport, amateur, model and high power rockets and rocketry.
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Reach for the Stars Model Rocket Contest

Science education through model rocketry. Website describes annual Estes model rocket contest. A Christa McAuliffe educational outreach program.
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ThrustCurve Hobby Rocket Motor Data

Model and high-power hobby rocket motor data for flight simulation and reference.
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Sugar Rockets

Information about using different sugars as propellants.
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Model Rocketry

Rocketry blog and links to scale data sites, sounding rockets, and paper rockets.
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Adventures in Rocket Science Educator Guide

A NASA-produced K-12 informal education guidebook for model rocketry. The downloadable guide includes activities, data worksheets, safety information, and an introduction to the principles of physics.
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Cesaroni Technology

Product information and launch gallery for ProX mid-to-high power reloadable motors.
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Resources for rocketry hobbyists plus photos and videos of rocket launches.
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TCC NAR Data Central

A cooperative effort by contest directors in the Southwest Region to enhance NAR model rocketry competition.
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Team America Rocketry Challenge

Official website for grades 7-12 model rocketry competition. Sponsored by AIA and NAR.
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The Rocketry Forum

A forum dedicated to hobby and model rocketry.
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Archived FAQs of a Usenet group discussion relating to the building and launching of low to high power rockets.

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