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Stories Websites

- Category ID : 87440
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A humor site where people who work in retail can post their anecdotes about their jobs, and customers.
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I Used to Believe

Several thousand examples of funny or bizarre childhood beliefs, organised by topic.
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Anonymous Revenge

Read these stories of revenge sent in by our readers.
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The Tennessee Firefly

A weekly humor column, jokes, archives, and cartoons by Sheila Moss.
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Pete TV

Features the "lost" Seinfeld episode, the Weekly Pete, Barfly, and the Dear Abby prank.
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True Stories

Many more short stories.
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Imitation Pickles

A life-changing, emotionally charged collection of bizarre tales, Java games and things written by Philip the man Hassey.
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The FunnyGuy

Lampoons love, psychology, business, politics, and positive thinking!
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Muddled Ones, Inc.

Humorous stories and poetry by Bobert Fishbone and friends.
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Funny Stories

50 funny and humorous stories from short stories to long stories.
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Mission Implausible

Follow humor writer Suzanne Schlosberg as she attempts to compensate for 33 years of irrelevance by going on a wild binge of volunteering.
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The Vomitorium

This is a place for people all over the world to share their humorous vomit stories.
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Airline Humor

Airline employees can add their humorous or dark stories here.
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Annoying Neighbors

Read stories and post your own about bad experiences with neighbors.
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Mr. Misadventure Strikes Again

A work in progress about a particularly angry and unpleasant individual who seeks vengeance as he sees fit.
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Fairly Twisted Tales

A short collection of well-known fairy tales that have been warped into a twisted mess.
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Stories that have what people find annoying, bizarre, mundane, or just plain ridiculous in life. Visitors can also submit their own stories.
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Selected Works of Henry E. Panky

Features articles, reviews, shorts and archives. Includes author biography.
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My Two Cents Worth

Articles, reviews, commentaries and essays with an irreverent view of the world.
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Written Humor

A collection of original humorous writing organized by genre.
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Man 1, Bank 0

The story of a man who deposited a junk mail fake check for $95,000.
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Thats Embarrassing!

Collection of stories from work, relationships, family and school.
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An archive of original stories submitted by otherwise undiscovered comedy writers.
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The Magic Man

Creative nonfiction writings by George McClure.
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Des and Mick Online

Stories, pictures, humor and an introduction to the bizarre world of Des and Mick. By Robert Williams.
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Beryl the Gnome

Stories and general humor related to Gnomes.
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Stories To Brighten Your Day

Animated, musical humor and whimsical stories and story poems, plus a holiday page for each month.
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