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Stories Websites
- Category ID : 87440
1 - Retail-Sucks
A humor site where people who work in retail can post their anecdotes about their jobs, and customers.
2 - I Used to Believe
Several thousand examples of funny or bizarre childhood beliefs, organised by topic.
5 - Pete TV
Features the "lost" Seinfeld episode, the Weekly Pete, Barfly, and the Dear Abby prank.
7 - Imitation Pickles
A life-changing, emotionally charged collection of bizarre tales, Java games and things written by Philip the man Hassey.
8 - The FunnyGuy
Lampoons love, psychology, business, politics, and positive thinking!
11 - Mission Implausible
Follow humor writer Suzanne Schlosberg as she attempts to compensate for 33 years of irrelevance by going on a wild binge of volunteering.
12 - The Vomitorium
This is a place for people all over the world to share their humorous vomit stories.
17 - Pfft
Stories that have what people find annoying, bizarre, mundane, or just plain ridiculous in life. Visitors can also submit their own stories.
23 -
An archive of original stories submitted by otherwise undiscovered comedy writers.
25 - Des and Mick Online
Stories, pictures, humor and an introduction to the bizarre world of Des and Mick. By Robert Williams.