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Computer Websites
- Category ID : 87322
2 - Computer Jokes
Jokes and pictures aimed at amusing geeks. Visitor contributions accepted.
5 - TechTales
Includes collection of amusing tech support stories. Includes stories from home and professional support situations.
8 - Anvil Dropping
Site documents crushing of electronics by dropping a large steel weight on them.
9 - Knuth 3:16
A retrospective of the work of Don Knuth, written a few thousand years from now.
11 - NotJoeSoft
Software parodies includes Joesoft Cheese, a web browser, and Joesoft Mama, a genealogy tool.
13 - The Haunted Apple
Humorous ghost stories fabricated from hard facts and experiences of common Apple II users.
19 - Compufun
Collection of jokes and humorous images, covering a variety of topics.