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Tools Websites

- Category ID : 83862
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The Electronic Neanderthal

A repository of information on the use and preservation of old and antique woodworking tools.
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Sawdust and Shavings

Features projects, reviews of hand and power tools, woodworking book reviews, rants and a hardwood information chart.
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Fine Tool Journal

Magazine for those who collect hand tools, use them, or just study their history.
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The Old Tools Company

Offers a variety of antique and used woodworking tools, along with many collectable planes like Norris, Record and Stanley planes.
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American Artifacts

Articles on 19th century corn shellers, cow milkers, grain cradles, mower and reaper sharpeners, as well as antique farm tools for sale and U.S. patent searches.
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Antique Tools FAQ

FAQ designed to address the most frequently asked questions about antique tools on rec.woodworking.
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Disstonian Institute

Information for users and collectors of all models of Disston handsaws.
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Saw Sets and Vintage Saw Tool Museum

Very informative site with photo display and history of saw sets and saw tools.
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Old Tool Photos

A site for woodworkers and tool collectors to view photos of antique tools for research and reference.
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Dedicated to antique and vintage hand tools, especially wrenches. Discussion forum for the community of buyers, sellers, and collectors.
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Directory of American Tool and Machinery Patents

A clearinghouse for information on antique tool and woodworking machine patents, allowing collectors of these tools to easily find information about the history of tools and trades.
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Vintage Saws

To provide the highest quality saws of the 19th and 20th Century to the woodworker and collector alike.
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Hyper Kitten: Old Tools

Interesting and vintage tools.
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Devoted to information on the history, restoration and use of vintage woodworking machinery developed through contributions by many enthusiasts of antique iron.

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