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Issues Websites

This category collects web sites that deal primarily with issues within journalism, such as freedom of the press, protecting anonymous sources and the like. Subcategories list groups specifically concerned with minorities in journalism, First Amendment issues, and social activism.- Category ID : 83475
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The Daily Howler

Covers the mistakes of the Washington press and pundits
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The Organization of News Ombudsmen

The group focuses on maintaining high standards in the coverage of minorities, sex crimes, anonymous sources, invasion of privacy; plagiarism, conflicts of interest, and other ethical issues.
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International News Safety Institute

Media safety network promoting the provision of safety training, materials and assistance to journalists and media staff. Mission statement and a list of supporting organisations.
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Pretrial publicity prevents fair trial

Essay by US attorney Ronald B. Standler.
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FAIR - Extra!

Bimonthly magazine of media criticism.
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Media Helping Media

Help for media groups achieve independent financial sustainability in transition and post-conflict states. Discussion forum, articles, tutorials, job vacancies, and news feeds.
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Play the game

A knowledge bank with articles on sport written by media professionals and leading experts. Prime focus on globalised sports and media coverage.
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Newspaper Death Watch

Lists US metropolitan dailies that have closed since March 2007. Chronicling the decline of newspapers and the rebirth of journalism.
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Intellectual Property on the Net

Scholarly paper examines the ethics of electronic publication.
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Copyright and Intellectual Property

Stanford University guide to laws, issues and resources related to copyright and intellectual property. Includes FAQ.

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