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Enabled Gardeners Websites

Sites in this category provide information, association locations, tools, or other material that helps people who are elderly, infirm or in any way need assistance to garden.- Category ID : 82660
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American Horticultural Therapy Association

Offers information, professional registration and training programs.
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City Farmer

The Ability Garden began in 1988 as a demonstration garden of five raised beds to accommodate people in wheel chairs to garden.
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Red Wiggler Community Farm

Founded in 1996 as a non-profit horticulture therapy and vocational training program for adults with developmental disabilities.
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UK national horticultural charity that promotes the use of gardening and horticulture for training and employment, therapy and health.
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The Growing Center Inc.

A non-profit horticultural therapy center in Frederick, PA. Community gardens, a monthly meeting for local people and information about horticultural therapy.
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Canadian Horticultural Therapy Association

Assisting with program development, research, and to promote the professional use of horticulture as a therapy.
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Horticultural Therapy Association of Victoria

HTAV fosters and supports horticultural programs and activities which enhance in a meaningful way, the social, emotional and physical well-being of people both in their homes and in a variety of community settings.
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Horticultural Therapy Institute

A non-profit organization that provides training and education for students who wish to become leaders in the field of Horticulture Therapy.
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The Holden Arboretum Horticultural Therapy Program

Holden’s Horticultural Therapy Program serves as a resource center in Northeastern Ohio, providing training programs for area health care staff, student internships, program development services and direct programming opportunities for health care organizations. Holden facilitates the establishment and continuation of horticulture programs. Program based in Kirtland, OH.
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Creating an Enabled Garden

This site gives tips and modifications to help those in wheelchairs or walkers continue gardening.
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Gardening with AD/HD

Gardening techniques that work well for the inattentive gardener. Specific plants and techniques.
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