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Baby Names Websites

This category contains links to informational sites about baby names, name meanings, name origins, naming trends, and tips for baby naming. Subcategories are also available for baby names originating from specific regions and religions.- Category ID : 82599
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Alfabette Zoope

A collection of multi-cultural and unusual names.
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Baby Names and Products

Searchable database with tips and suggestions on how to find a name or make one up.
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Includes suggestions for twins, sports, and Indian names. Meanings are included.
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The Baby Names Network

Allows user to browse suggestions by alphabetical letter or origin, as well a search for the meaning of the name.
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Name Nerds

Information about Irish and Scottish names, as well as both English and ethnic spelling.
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Baby Names Plus

Names for boys and girls, including meanings and origin.
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Baby Name Guide

Baby names listed by categories, lists of popular names, a phonetics search and baby naming tips.
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Name Statistics

Find out what first and last names are ranked in popularity and statistics of how many other people in the US share the same name.
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Popular Baby Names

Ranking of baby name popularity based on Social Security applications. Lists of the most popular names in the United States, going back to 1880.
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All Girl Baby Names

Girl names with name meanings and origins.
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Search names and meanings. Includes naming tips and lists, with origins.
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Baby Name Addicts

Meanings, origins, popularity graphs, and polls.
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Jive Baby Names

Search for baby names by origin, meaning, or popularity. Forum and favorite name list.
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Name Yo Baby

Searchable database of baby names. Gender, origin, meaning, and popularity are included with each name.
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Think Baby Names

Baby names with pronunciation, meaning, and statistic charts for each name.
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Database of male and female baby names from different origins and languages with meaning and baby resources.
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Select a Lucky Name For Your Baby

Using Chinese numerology, determine if a name is lucky or not, or use the rules to choose a lucky name.
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Alternative Baby Names

Boy and girl baby names listed by categories. Search for alternative and unique names.
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A large collection of boy and girl names, as well as the origin and meaning.
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Search for popular American baby names and their meanings.
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Baby Name World

Names, meanings and gender. Searchable by letter and origin.
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Search for baby names, nicknames, name meanings and alternate name spellings. Also naming ideas for pets, grandparents, automobiles and significant others.
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Baby Name Facts

Meanings, origins, and tons of fun facts on over 70,000 baby names.
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Baby names with meanings and origins. Find celebrity namesakes and related names for boys and girls.
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Boy names and girl names with information about meanings and origins. Also polls, category lists, popularity lists, and naming tips.
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Babyz Names

Provides a simple search to find the origin and meaning of a name.
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This site offers an online tool to provide personalized naming suggestions based on styles, trends, popularity and a variety of naming influences and patterns.
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Encyclopedia of 40,000 names. Includes meanings, origins, pronunciation, relation charts and frequency information. Available in English, German, French and Romanian languages.
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Justmommies Baby Names

Contains a database of over 8000 member-submitted baby names with origins and meanings. Visitors can vote for names and save a list of their favorite names.
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Open Baby Names

Contains a collection of boy and girl names with origins, meanings, ratings and favorites. Also has names for twins.
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Baby Names Pedia

Find the meaning and origin of baby names. Search for trendy, unique or popular names. View popularity graphs and name comparison charts.
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A blog featuring a new baby name each week. Includes meaning, history, personal stories and celebrity status for each name.
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Baby Names Nation

Browse through lists of names sorted by different regions. Offers meanings, origins, ratings, reviews and favorites.
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Baby Name Stats

Provides lists of naming ideas from television and literature. Also has lists of common twin names and naming trends from years ago.
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Baby Names Country

Offers lists of names categorized alphabetically or by origin, gender, and popularity. The site also provides an online tool for baby name selection.
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Masculine and Feminine Names

Large dictionary of masculine, feminine, and unisex names with origins, meanings, usages, variant forms, and famous bearers.
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Baby Name Rant

A blog with hints and advice on names and reviews on celebrity baby names.
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Baby Names Radio

Engage your sense of hearing to discover the perfect baby names. Listen for free as names are spoken in a concise and relaxing audio format.
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Best Little Baby

Searchable lists with thousands of names, meanings and origins. Includes unusual, unisex, celebrity and hurricane names.
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Helps prospective parents to choose a name for their baby. Create a list and invite others to participate and score the names on the list.
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The Baby Name Wizard Official Blog

Name trends, news and insights.
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Baby Name Wizard

Interactive visual exploration of baby name popularity. Search naming maps and graphs. Explore detailed statistics and info about names.
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Random Baby Name

Displays ten random baby names, renewed daily.
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20,000 Names

Includes names from around the world for use with babies and pets.

Subcategories under Baby Names 6

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