Deals with the ups and downs of parenting. Provides information, support and advice on pregnancy, babies, nutrition and childcare. Includes an e-zine, discussion groups and a parenting diary.
Geared specifically for families split by divorce; provides information and advice for parents, online co-parenting classes, family law and support services, and education (at home, at the office, or at a school)
Ideal for parents with young children; resources include information about potty-training, vacationing, kid-friendly recipes, craft ideas, and product reviews
Nonprofit organization featuring free resources such as videos and tips as well as links to other sites on parenting, education, health, behavior, development, and family activities. Includes the Parent Power blog.
Comprehensive collection of links to government information and services on parenthood. Includes topics on child care, health and education issues and safety.
Science-based information on parenting and child development. Looks at the anthropology and psychology of breastfeeding, sleep, social skills, stress, potty training.
Comprehensive directory for parents in Australia. Helps parents to identify products, services and places of interest as well as giving tips and advice. Includes a parenting forum.
Large searchable resource of family activities and tips, parenting resources, travel guides, wellness and childcare information and other user-contributed content of interest to families.
Designed to assist parents facing the challenges of educating young children. Gives recommendations and advice on methods and products that help kids learn.