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Microwave Websites
This category is for the listing of sites having recipes for the preparation and cooking of food in a microwave oven.- Category ID : 81639
1 - Sweet-sour meatballs
A recipe from Cyber Scrappies. Includes links to picnic suggestions, party favors, and Sunday brunch.
3 - Glogg
A spicy alcoholic beverage made with red wine and whiskey, served hot. Recipe as given serves one, increase proportions as desired.
5 - Pineapple Cake
This cake only takes nine minutes to bake. Included is a recipe search and a link to other cake recipes.
6 - Roast Stuffed Turkey
How to prepare the holiday bird, up to 12 pounds in size. Links for poultry, main dish and appetizer recipes.
7 - Beer Bread
This recipe, from the Leon Brocard recipe site, uses self-rising flour and makes one loaf. A recipe search is available.
8 - Hot Mocha Milk
From the New Deluxe Sharp Microwave Cookbook. Also provided is a recipe organizer and cooking resources links.
9 - Hot Spiced Milk
Made with milk, cinnamon, molasses, and whipped cream. A recipe search and links to recipes by category is included.