Reproductive health is defined by the World Health Organization as a state of physical, mental, and social well-being in all matters relating to the reproductive system at all stages of life. Reproductive health implies that people are able to have a satisfying and safe sex life and that they have the capability to reproduce and the freedom to decide if, when, and how often to do so. Implicit in this are the right of men and women to be informed and to have access to safe, effective, affordable, and acceptable methods of family planning of their choice, and the right to appropriate health-care services that enable women to safely go through pregnancy and childbirth.- Category ID : 80310
Works to ensure universal access to reproductive health, including family planning and sexual health to all couples and individuals. UNFPA supports population and development strategies, promotes awareness of population and development issues and advocates for the mobilization of the resources and political will necessary to accomplish its areas of work
Summaries and links on topics including family planning, AIDS, reproductive tract infections, infertility, harmful traditional practices, safe motherhood, cervical cancer, and refugee reproductive health.
A worldwide movement providing reproductive health and family planning services in over 180 countries. Manual on reproductive health interventions in refugee situations and other materials on delivery of reproductive health services.
Information and resources covering sexual and reproductive health topics. Research on sexual health problems and directory of health centers in the US.
Membership association for physicians, nurses, public health professionals, health educators, and related professions. Includes news, patient and professional education materials, AHRP position statements, and links on a wide range of topics.
Made up of local, regional and national grassroots organizations in the United States representing Native American/Indigenous, Black/African American, Latina/Puerto Rican, and Asian/Pacific Islander populations.
News and information on maternal health, infant health, assisted reproductive technology, sexually transmitted diseases, contraception and family planning, and related topics. Maintained by US Centers for Disease Control.
FHI 360 is a nonprofit human development organization dedicated to improving lives with research, education and services in family planning, STDs/HIV and family health.
МедЦентрСервис — это сеть многопрофильных клиник мужского и женского здоровья. Во всех клиниках МедЦентрСервис пациенты получают квалифицированную помощь по всем основным направлениям современной медицины.
Мы проводим диагностику и лечение различных видов заболеваний и нарушений мочеполовой и иммунной систем, кожных и аллергических заболеваний, органов кровообращения и пищеварения, терапию, гомеопатию, косметологические процедуры и другие медицинские услуги.
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