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Pathology Websites

For sites concerning the application of EBM principles to the practice of Pathology.- Category ID : 77095
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Nottingham Center for Evidence Based Pathology

Part of a network of evidence-based centres dedicated to research-based, evaluative, clinical practice. Explains the principles of this methodology and its applications.
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Original research in pathology: judgment, or evidence-based medicine?

Examines whether the practice of anatomic pathology fulfills the tenets of evidence-based medicine (EBM), arguing that anatomic pathology has in fact a unique place in the practice of EBM.
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Evidence-Based Principles in Pathology: Existing Problem Areas and the Development of “Quality” Practice Patterns

Asks the question "Are pathologists, in fact, as evidence based as they believe?", showing large areas of both anatomic and clinical pathology where evidence-based methodologies have not been applied, and offering constructive suggestions for more systematic application.
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Evidence-based pathology and the pathologic evaluation of thymomas

Documents the lack of randomized clinical trials evaluating the prognosis of patients with thymomas and the effects of various treatment modalities, and calls for an international cooperative study and meta-analysis of thymomas. [2008]
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Evidence-Based Pathology and the Pathologic Evaluation of Thymomas

A systematic review and meta-analysis of the prognostic importance of transcapsular invasion in thymoma stage I and II, finding it not a significant prognostic feature of any clinical value. [2008]
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American Society of Clinical Oncology/College of American Pathologists Guideline Recommendations for Immunohistochemical Testing of Estrogen and Progesterone Receptors in Breast Cancer

ASCO Guideline on how to improve the accuracy of ER and PR testing in breast cancer and on the utility of these receptors as predictive markers. [2010]
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Evidence-Based Pathology: Systematic Literature Reviews as the Basis for Guidelines and Best Practices

Review of the history and basic concepts of evidence-based medicine and evidence-based pathology, and how to perform and interpret systematic reviews, and integrate best evidence into guidelines. [2015]
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Evidence Levels for Publications in Pathology and Laboratory Medicine

Discussion of the inadequacies of current schemes for the evaluation of evidence levels, along with a proposed scale of evidence levels for more appropriate to publications in pathology. [2011]
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Evidence-Based Pathology: Systematic Literature Reviews as the Basis for Guidelines and Best Practices

Reviews history and basic concepts of evidence-based medicine and evidence-based pathology, how to perform and interpret systematic reviews, and how to integrate best evidence into guidelines. [2015]
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Application of GRADE: Making Evidence-Based Recommendations about diagnostic tests in clinical practice guidelines

Analysis of requirements for clinical practice guidelines in order to facilitate implementation and strengthen confidence in recommendations about diagnostic tests. [2011]
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