Evidence-based Medicine (EBM) is an approach that encourages the employment of the best available clinical evidence from systematic research for use in clinical practice. It seeks to augment medical traditions not yet subjected to adequate evaluation with findings based on the application of the scientific method. EBM tools include, but are not limited to, randomized controlled trials, systematic reviews (of a series of trials) and meta-analyses.- Category ID : 77078
International not-for-profit organisation preparing, maintaining and promoting the accessibility of systematic reviews of the effects of health care. General information, access to the Cochrane Library, guidelines, manuals and software.
A searchable database of evidence-based answers to real-life clinical questions, with details of courses and teaching material. Developed in the Emergency Department of Manchester Royal Infirmary, United Kingdom.
Summarises current knowledge about the prevention and treatment of disease, based on appraisal of systematic reviews and randomized clinical trials. Free on-line access for physicians in the United Kingdom or in developing countries.
Medical search engine with emphasis on evidence based medicine (EBM) and clinical guidelines and queries, including content from Cochrane and Bandolier.
Searchable best evidence database, plus tailored email alert service, from the British Medical Journal and McMaster University. Free subscription required.
Search engine from NHS Evidence for health and social care professionals, providing access to evidence-based health information to assist in delivering quality patient care. Includes a Specialist Collections, along with periodic Annual Evidence Updates issued by topic area.
Initiative developed by the CONSORT Group to alleviate the problems arising from inadequate reporting of randomized controlled trials (RCTs). Produces the CONSORT Statement, an evidence-based, minimum set of recommendations for reporting RCTs.
A list of publications for general practitioners and consumers, from the National Health and Medical Research Council in Australia. Available for purchase or free download as PDF files.
Medical search engine returning evidence-based research in categories for practice guidelines, and for systematic reviews, both from PUBMED and from DARE, including Cochrane abstracts.
The Washington University Emergency Medicine Journal Club podcast provides an excellent way to keep up with the medical literature, improve patient care, and increase understanding of evidence-based medicine.
A provider of evidence- and experience-based clinical decision support solutions for improving the quality, safety, and efficiency of patient care. Commercial service.
Provides evidence generation, evaluation and communication to support health care professionals in their evidence-based decision-making. Commercial service.
Features tutorials on practising and teaching this method of critical appraisal, with glossary of terms and self-evaluation questionnaire. Form the Department of Medicine at Toronto General Hospital, Canada.
Leading international not-for-profit research and development organization at the University of Adelaide, providing best available evidence to inform clinical decision-making at the point of care. With newsletter, Systematic Review Manual (SUMARI), and extensive database of systematic reviews and implementation reports.
The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality in the United States presents summaries and assessments for healthcare providers and clinicians. Documents may be viewed or downloaded at no cost.
Independent, not-for-profit organisation promoting the use of evidence in the delivery of health and disability services, active 1999 - 2012. Site contains a categorized collection of all NZGG produced evidence-based guidelines, available as PDFs for download.
Traces the foundations of evidence-based medicine to to the seminal efforts of the visionary whose call in 1971 for a collection of systematic reviews led to the creation of The Cochrane Collaboration. [2009]
A collaboration formed to address the shortcomings of present grading systems in health care and develop a common, sensible and transparent approach to grading quality of evidence and strength of recommendations.
A growing international network for students interested in learning more about evidence-based healthcare, partnering with Cochrane UK. Includes overview of the EBM process, and a wide range of student contributions.
The CEBHC focuses on conducting high quality systematic reviews and meta-analyses on topics relevant to the African region. CEBHC is based at Stellenbosch University in South Africa.
Online tool for the extraction and management of data for systematic review or meta-analysis, also serving as a Web-based repository of systematic review data. Joint initiative of the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) and the Evidence-based Practice Center (EPC).
Explains what has prompted the rise of evidence-based medicine (EBM) and provides a "field guide" for how physicians can incorporate EBM into everyday practice. [2004]
This is the First "Sicily Statement" that provides an international consensus on the definition of Evidence-based Practice, the skills needed to practice EBP, and the minimum requirements for training health professionals in EBP. [2005]
Delivers daily Patient-Oriented Evidence that Matters (DailyPOEMs) by email and produces the InfoRetriever database system of evidence-based information next to a print newsletter "Evidence-Based Practice".
A commercial evidence-based clinical decision support system for physicians at the point of care, with a differential diagnosis tool, evidence-based medical topics knowledgebase, and patient information. Now part of the Elsevier ClinicalKey service.
Critical Appraisal Skills Programme International Network is a collaboration supporting the teaching and learning of critical appraisal skills, and helping others setting up sustainable training programs via the development and dissemination of successful new teaching materials and methods.
Rare insight-rich self-directed interview of Dr. David L. Sackett, Founding Chair of The Cochrane Collaboration and pioneer in evidence-based medicine, who died May 13, 2015. From McMaster University, 103 pp. [2015]
Argues for a new paradigm for the assessment of efficacy endpoints, given described limitations of the current Response Evaluation Criteria In Solid Tumors (RECIST) system. [2012]
Argues for the continued deployment of the Response Evaluation Criteria in Solid Tumors (RECIST) system as the standard for efficacy assessment of cancer therapeutics. [2013]
Medical information database of clinical topic summaries, including a grading the quality of evidence cited, designed primarily for point-of-care use; updated daily.
A non-profit initiative seeking to identify the most important gaps in the evidence for treatment efficacy, and to forge patient-clinician working partnerships to identify and prioritize unanswered questions, working closely with evidence-based affiliates. Also publishes a glossary of common evidence-based terms.
A California public service forum conducting evidence-based reviews of new and emerging medical technologies; CTAF reviews across a broad spectrum of medical topics are available as downloadable PDFs.
A free review tool from the Cochrane Collaboration Group used to facilitate literature reviews and the meta-analyses in accordance with the Cochrane Review Protocols. It can perform meta-analyses and present results graphically. With extensive documentation.