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Education Websites

Schools, graduate programs and resources offering medical educational material for the healthcare professional.- Category ID : 77016
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Education Center of Association Endosurgery of Tatarstan

Noncommercial public organization, which was created with the purpose to support the development of endoscopic surgery and gynaecology in Russia.
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The BookMarc

Services for medical students and for professionals, including discounted book services, discounted phone services, and discounted electronics. This site targets practitioners in the USA.
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Microsurgery Training Program

Basic Microsurgical Course (40 hours), Advanced Course (12 hours), Microsurgery Laboratory, Indiana University Medical Center.
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Medical Texts

Online medical texts in a variety of specialties are available to view or download.
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Doctor Digest

Medical doctors can review electronic medical information resources available in any of the following media: browsable WWW sites, or downloadable datasets and software, or on CD-ROMS.
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How to Choose a Medical Specialty

Assists medical students in choosing a medical specialty. Rate multiple "I tend to..." statements, then a rank order list of specialties will be generated based on likes and dislikes.
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The Virtual Autopsy

Autopsy cases, anatomy and physiology information and images from Leicester University.
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Association for Hospital Medical Education

A national nonprofit professional organization involved in the continuum of medical education.
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Student Doctor Network

Guide to getting into medical and dental schools. Includes information, links and a message board.
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Medscape Med Students

Medical updates, weekly "grand-rounds" type cases including pathological slides and discussions with up-to-date references. Free PalmOS applications, including ePharmacopoeia.
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A digital library of authoritative medical information for all students of medicine.
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Genetic Counselling Courses

Graduate Diploma and Masters of Science at University of Newcastle, NSW, Australia.
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How Stuff Works: Becoming a Medical Doctor

Complete guide detailing steps to become a medical doctor, written by a doctor, with many terms explained.
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National Institute of Education

Offers courses and programs for the UMAT health professional examinations. Australia.
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Foundation for Advancement of International Medical Education and Research

Non-profit foundation provides details of programs to improve international health professional education.
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Medical University of Gdansk - English Division

Information about the medical studies in English for foreign students. Admission criteria. Curricula. Basic medical and clinical science.
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What is Pulmonary Fibrosis?

Patient education website detailing the causes, symptoms and treatment of pulmonary fibrosis
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Diagnosis: COPD

Information and explanations for patients about Chronic Obstructive Respiratory Disease (COPD).
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Christine M. Kleinert Institute for Hand and Microsurgery

A nonprofit education and research organization. Its mission is training hand surgeons, supporting research, and informing the public.
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Educational resources relating to the healthcare industry. Many specialties are listed with a brief summary of responsibilities, educational requirements, and schools offering these programs.
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Medics Away

UK company able to organise electives in India, Kenya and Peru.
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School of Health Administration Dalhousie University

Located in Nova Scotia, Canada. Offers information about the school, its programs and a newsletter.
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Masters Program in Molecular Medicine

Course is run under the auspices of the Faculty of Health Sciences and the Institute of Molecular Medicine, Trinity College Dublin.

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