Chronic illness means lifelong in duration, treatable but rarely cured completely, and typically requires persistent self-management behaviors. Synonyms to chronic illness: long-term disease, chronic condition.- Category ID : 75601
Resources to comfort, relieve pain and distress for people who are dying, and to support parents, families and friends in approaching death and healing grief.
Center develops, evaluates, and disseminates community-based, peer-led, programs for people with all kinds of chronic diseases. Part of School of Medicine, Stanford University, California.
A peer-reviewed Journal by the National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion in the United States. Contains essays, original research, special topics, case studies. Also available as PDF.
Research and resources, including a model to promote interaction between patient and care givers. Essential elements are the community, self-management support, decision support and clinical information systems.
A volunteer non-profit organization helping to rehabilitate people with chronic mental or physical illness into the community. Includes details of training and resources.
Journal providing a forum in which researchers from a wide range of disciplines, clinicians, policy makers, and people living with chronic illness come together to clarify the common principles underlying the experience and management of chronic illness. Has current and past issues.
A weblog dedicated to exploring the issues behind the diagnoses, the statistics, and behind the headlines on chronic illness, health policy, and complementary and alternative medicine. By a journalist, Jacqueline L. Jones.