Welcome to Health/Child Health/Information and Advice! Here you will find a wealth of information from sites that offer parents and care givers the resources needed to care for healthy children.- Category ID : 75267
A global network of organizations aiming to prevent accidental childhood injury. Provides details of programs and members, with video, news, and safety tips.
A comprehensive educational program to train the proper and biomechanically correct way to use backpacks. Includes a safety video and a list of doctors who will bring the program to participating schools.
A searchable library of articles and links covering vaccinations, ear infections, childhood illnesses, ADHD, and various other conditions, diseases and concerns.
A complete listing of all health information about kids and teens, including acne, AIDS awareness, allergies and asthma, attention deficit disorders and dyslexia.
A cartoon character and her friends teach young people how to handle risky situations. Includes stories, mini-series, songs and videos, as well as teacher resources.