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Character Encoding Websites

Information, resources and products related to international character encoding, national character sets and character conversion issues.- Category ID : 59484
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IANA: Character Sets

The official names for character sets that may be used in the Internet and referred to in Internet documentation - held at the Internet Assigned Number Authority.
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HTML Validation: Using Character Encodings

How to validate HTML documents in various character encodings.
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World Wide Web Consortium

Covers code tables, Unicode, HTML and XML and links to other resources and discusses internationalization and localization issues relating to character sets.
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EKI Letter Database

Query character sets, encoding, codepages and Unicode information in an easy-to-use web form. Held at the Institute of the Estonian Language.
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Tutorial: Shady Characters

A tutorial that explains HTML character sets, character encodings and character references from
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Characters and Encodings

A tutorial on character code issues in digital processing and transfer of text data, on the Internet or otherwise. Includes tables and a detailed listing of control codes. In English and Finnish.
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ISO 639 Language Names

The standard names for use in SGML and XML, including a complete list of language name codes.
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MS Windows characters in HTML

A review of the HTML authoring problems caused by some special characters which belong to MS Windows character set but not to ISO Latin 1. Includes technical details and substitution tables. In English and Finnish.
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A Brief History of Character Codes

A concise history of the development of character encoding in Western and East Asian languages, including ASCII, EBCDIC, Unicode and TRON.
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ASCII and EBCDIC Compared

A comparison of two of these two basic encoding systems, with tables.
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Front end to several search engines and portals that allows you to enter queries in various character sets.

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