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Patterns and Anti-Patterns Websites

The pattern movement in programming is about discovering repeating patterns in all areas of software development, documenting them in a pattern language and reusing them. Anti-patterns are ones to avoid. This category contains sites about both. Patterns are often discussed in terms of object-oriented languages.- Category ID : 58746
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Design Pattern Automation Toolkit

A toolkit to design applications using design patterns, with facility to generate code, and reverse engineering. Drag and Drop facility to create UML Class diagrams support to write custom plug-ins for code generators and reverse engineering. [Open source, GPL]
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Information on Adaptive Programming including links, books, and papers. (Karl J. Lieberherr)
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Portland Pattern Repository

Very useful pattern information. Includes articles as well as discussions in the form of the WikiWikiWeb.
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Common Ground

A pattern language for designing user interfaces and other artifacts.
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Design Patterns

Software techniques, papers, references, catalogs, generally and in C++, Java; for professional software developers. Software Technologies Ltd.
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Big Ball of Mud

An examination of this most frequently deployed of software architectures. A casually, even haphazardly, structured system, the organization of which is dictated more by expediency than design.
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Fowler, Martin: Analysis Patterns

Patterns developed by Martin Fowler, a specialist in object-oriented software, building business objects, the UML, patterns, author of "Analysis Patterns" and "UML Distilled" books. Also features a collection of links to related subject areas.
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Arcus Patterns for Business Information Systems

Contains pattern papers on exception handling, database access, client/server UI design and design in general for the domain of business information systems.
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Patterns for Object/Relational Database Access

Contains patterns, links and literature on object/relational database access layers.
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Patterns Library

Fine resource on many aspects of patterns, anti-patterns, and pattern languages.
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Article by Todd Coram and Jim Lee. A pattern language that can be used to generate user centered software designs.
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Why a Duck

An introduction to polymorphism and design patterns, by John Brewer. Includes links and source code.
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An HTML 2.0 Pattern Language

A work-in-progress to describe patterns of HTML development.
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Unix Shell Patterns

A collection of idioms for Unix shell programming
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An Introduction To Process Patterns White Paper

Introduces the concept of process patterns, reusable building blocks from which an organization may tailor an object-oriented software process. Process patterns bring reuse and consistency to the entire OO software process (OOSP). By Scott W. Ambler, AmbySoft Inc.
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Design Pattern (Computer Science)

Growing article, with links to many related topics. Wikipedia.
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Java Design Patterns

Full, working Java programs, with output example shown.
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Design Patterns Explained: A New Perspective on Object-Oriented Design

By Alan Shalloway and James R. Trott. Preface, table of contents, chapter from book, errata and answers to questions.
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Huston Design Patterns

GoF patterns with C++ and Java demos and some other patterns.
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Implementing the Singleton Pattern in Java

An article by Rod Waldhoff with sample source code.
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Pattern Languages of Programs (PLoP) Conference

Information about forthcoming and past PLoP conferences.

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