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Language Oriented Programming Websites

Language Oriented Programming is a style of programming. Rather than solving problems in one general-purpose programming language, a programmer first makes one or more domain-specific programming languages for the problem, and then solves the problem in those languages.- Category ID : 58728
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Language Oriented Programming

Growing article, with links to many related topics. Wikipedia.
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Language Oriented Programming: The Next Programming Paradigm

Seminal article introduces, formalizes, defines LOP; by Sergey Dmitriev, cofounder, CEO of JetBrains, Inc. JetBrains onBoard Online Magazine.
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Personal Site of Sergey Dmitriev

Information and links on Dmitriev and LOP.
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Programming Bottom-Up

Essay describes how good Lisp programming is often domain-specific, language-oriented; by Paul Graham, from the introduction to his book On Lisp.
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Language Oriented Programming

Brief reference, forum exchange with many insights. Lambda the Ultimate.
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Will Language Oriented Programming Revolutionize Software Development?

Brief introductory article, forum exchange. Javalobby.
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Domain-specific Programming Language

Growing article, with links to many related topics. Wikipedia.
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Language Oriented Programming

Brief summary of some recent developments, with links. Smart Software.
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Software Generators

Focus: programs that build other programs generally, and the Anticipatory Optimization Generator (AOG) particularly: a system to translate Domain Specific Languages (DSLs) into efficient code.
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Language Oriented Programming

Brief critical article, with reader comments. YetAnotherBlog.
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Jetbrains Releases White Paper on Domain-Specific Languages

Brief article, forum exchange with many insights, links. TheServerSide.
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Domain-Specific Languages

Abstract with many references, citations. Useful to research this topic. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering.
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Description, examples, links; Lisp and Smalltalk emphasized; by Martin Fowler. MF Bliki.
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Bayfront Technologies, Inc.

Makes, sells, supports CAPE problem domain specific programming tools; with general tools, too much effort goes into defining user problem domains; since general tools have no domain information, they give no deep support for user problems. California, USA.
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Language Oriented Programming: The Next Programming Paradigm

Brief reference, forum exchange with many insights, links.
All Languages