The World Wide Web (WWW) is composed of many, much smaller, Internets and Intranets all linked together to form a much larger whole. This category is truly global in that anyone, anywhere can look at and add to the contents. While this category is not the place, if you are interested in the history of the WWW one place to start might be: This category contains links to other categories only. Please do not submit here. If you do it will lengthen the time it takes for your site to be accepted because we must then try to decide where your site best fits. What we decide is not necessarily what you would decide. Please help us both and find the best fit for your site. Submission Guidelines - The Open Directory Project editors are committed to building the most useful Directory on the Internet. We want to help your promotion efforts by listing your site in a timely manner. We want your website to be found easily. By choosing the mo- Category ID : 56951
Paper by Woodruff, Aoki, Brewer, Gauthier, and Rowe describing their analysis of over 2.6 million HTML documents collected by their Inktomi Web crawler. The authors examined many characteristics of these documents, including size, number and types of tags and attributes, file extensions, and links.