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Chats and Forums Websites
Sites offering active discussion spanning a wide variety of computer-related topics. Sites that are focused about 75% or more on a particular topic should be listed under that topic (or its Chats_and_Forums subcat should one exist) instead of here.- Category ID : 54278
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Discussion of server administration and setup, hardware and software configuration, and operating systems.
7 - Computing.Net
A technical support site which answers general computing questions of home users.
8 - Virtual Dr
Acquire help with a specific problem and receive expert tutorials in a forum.
9 - Tech Support Guy
Community helping with operating systems, Internet and networking, community, and miscellaneous tech problems.
10 - Technutopia
Hosts message boards on file sharing, distributed computing and software development, also offers the last version of BearShare which was developed as a Gnutella client.
11 - DaniWeb Computer Support
A forum containing topics on general computer topics, web development, and extensive discussion on software development.
12 - Bleeping Computer
Focuses on answering computer, security, and networking questions asked by the novice users.
13 - ComputerHope
Forum providing tech support to home users in the areas of hardware, software, and networking.
15 - Geeks to Go
A forum for discussion and assistance in the areas of security, hardware, and software.
17 - NewEgg
Forum discussing mainly computer building topics, but providing support to novice users as well.
18 - Tech Forums
General discussion with emphasis on computer technology, programming, and gaming.
19 - TechEnclave
Technology discussion, and buying/selling threads for hardware.
23 - PureOC
Discussions devoted to overclocking, digital currency, hardware and manufacturers.
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Offers computer help, discussion, and tricks for operating systems, as well as html and graphics design.
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Pakistani computer discussion boards including tutorials and advice. Includes additional boards for discussing Islam and Urdu poetry.
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Subjects covered include general hardware and software discussion, gaming, mobile phones and technical support.
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Provides boards for discussions on hardware, software, gaming and buying advice, and a bazaar for classified listings.
30 - PCTechBytes
Discussions include computer repair, help and security, networking, operating systems and hardware, and gaming and technology.
31 - TechSpot
Topics covered include PC building, software and gaming.
32 - Hardware Heaven
Provides discussion boards for gaming, software, graphics cards and general PC related topics such as modding and overclocking.
33 - GadgetBit
Message boards hosting discussions on operating systems, gaming, website design and gadgets.
34 - PCTechTalk
Provides boards to discuss operating systems, hardware and support.