University of Sussex. Natural language parsing, acquisition of lexical information from text, automatic generation of text from semantic representations.
MIT Media Laboratory. Philosophically motivated AI, commonsense reasoning, aesthetics and AI, assistive software agents, lexical semantics, story understanding.
professor of Artificial Intelligence at the Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam. Research interests include multi-agent systems, compositional modelling, temporal semantics, common sense and nonmonotonic reasoning.
Late Professor at Carnegie Mellon University. One of the founders of Artificial Intelligence. Research mainly in modeling and simulation of human cognition.
University of British Columbia. Preference elicitation, dynamic constraint optimization, satisfiability problems in propositional logic, computational musicology.
Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium. Research projects in Ant algorithms, metaheuristics for combinatorial optimization, robot shaping and behavior engineering.
Brown University. Part-of-speech tagging, probabilistic context-free grammar induction, syntactic disambiguation through word statistics, efficient syntactic parsing, and lexical resource acquisition through statistical means.
Director of the Information Processing Technology Office (IPTO) at DARPA. Knowledge representation, machine learning, information retrieval, natural language processing.
University of Washington. Machine learning, probabilistic reasoning, graphical probability models, tree belief networks and mixtures of trees, maximum entropy discrimination, spectral clustering and image segmentation.
Spanish Council for Scientific Research (CSIC) and Deputy Director of the Artificial Intelligence Research Institute of the CSIC. AI and music, qualitative approaches to landmark-based robot navigation.
University of Delaware. Department of Computer and Information Sciences Chair. Computational linguistics, dialog systems, machine learning, planning and plan recognition, medical informatics, user modeling.
University of Illinois at Chicago. Interpretation and generation of instructional text, computational models of tutorial dialogue, modeling collaboration in human-human and computer-human dialogues, referential expressions.
University of Pittsburgh. Spoken dialogue for intelligent tutoring systems, reinforcement learning for optimizing spoken dialogue agents, prosodic analysis of misrecognitions and corrections, plan recognition.
University of Texas at El Paso. Department of Computer Science Chair. Spoken dialog models, mediated communication, user interface development methodologies.
Stanford University. Probabilistic parsing, grammar induction, text categorization and clustering, electronic dictionaries, information extraction and presentation, and linguistic typology.
Pace University. Problem decomposition and theory reformulation, integrated cognitive architectures for autonomous robots, distributed constraint satisfaction problems, semigroup theory and dynamical systems, category theory in software design.
University of North Carolina at Greensboro. Intelligent multimedia presentation systems, argumentation models, automatic generation of textual summaries of graphs, interactive narrative, conversation agents, user modeling.
University of Delaware. Rehabilitation engineering, writing tool for American Sign Language, natural language generation, text summarization, graph summarization.
Oxford. Robotics Research Group. Machine learning, Bayesian learning, data-driven inference, signal and image processing, bioinformatics, computational and mathematical biology.
Yahoo! Research Labs. Electronic commerce, internet statistics, uncertain reasoning, decision theory, market approaches to group coordination, multiagent systems.
Academic College of Tel-Aviv-Yaffo. Text categorization, machine learning applications in bioinformatics, medicine, machine vision and high energy physics, feature selection for categorization and regression problems, artificial neural networks.
Interactive Information Group, National Research Council of Canada. Machine learning applied to natural language processing, lexical semantics from web mining, artificial life.
University of Colorado, Boulder. Empirical metaphor research, latent semantic analysis, information retrieval, co-author of "Speech and Language Processing" with Dan Jurafsky.
Carnegie Mellon University. Information retrieval, extraction and management, natural language processing, Chinese computing, dialog and discourse processing, machine translation, cooperative human-computer interaction.
Researcher in multi-agent planning at Delft University of Technology. Tutorial on multi-agent planning, list of own publications and publications related to distributed AI.
School of Computer Science and Informatics, University College Dublin. Automated information extraction using convergent boundary classification, machine learning for automatic genre classification, active learning for information extraction.
Universität des Saarlandes. Multimodal and perceptive user interfaces, user modeling, ambient intelligence, embodied conversational agents, smart navigation systems, semantic web services, and resource-adaptive cognitive technologies, VERMOBIL.
University of Washington (Educational Psychology/Learning Sciences/LIFE Center). Human-robot attachment; robot-human interaction in stressful conditions, especially in dyad teamwork or collaborative situations.
Kingston University. Senior lecturer and member of the Digital Imaging Research Centre. Research in 3D pose recovery, motion analysis and multi-camera tracking.
Research topics: semantic web, knowledge management, and natural language processing. List of his publications, projects, courses taught, contact information.
Harvard University. Statistical and computational elements for the analysis of complex graphs and interacting dynamical systems, including yeast molecular biology and social networks. Overview of publications and activities.
University of Edinburgh. Computational modeling of tutorial dialogue, multimedia explanation, integrated techniques for interpretation and generation, patient education.
MIT Laboratory for Computer Science. Phonological modelling, auditory modelling, computer speech recognition, statistical language modelling, natural language understanding and generation, discourse and dialogue modelling, and prosodic analysis.
University of Minnesota. Distributed intelligence, cooperation of miniature robots, robot navigation, multi-agent systems for e-commerce and supply-chain, economic agents.
Research interests: Computational Linguistics, Information Retrieval, Automated Deduction. Site lists on-line publications, projects, activities, and contact info.
Carnegie Mellon School of Computer Science. Phd Student. Intersection of computer science and game theory, computer science and economics, multiagent systems, automated negotiation and contracting.
Does research on machine learning, knowledge representation, data mining, big data, information integration, probabilistic models, bioinformatics, social informatics, and health informatics.
Post-doctoral researcher at the Cork Constraint Computation Centre (4C). Working on multiagent planning methods as well as scheduling for manufacturing.