Available in buns, boardstock, cut pipe sections, pipe supports, bends and curved segments, Koolphen K is suitable for heating, ventilation, air conditioning, process and industrial applications.
Manufacturers of various high quality engineered products including pipe hangers (variable and constant load), spring hangers, expansion joints, mechanical and hydraulic snubbers, insulated pipe supports (cryogenic supports/cold shoes, hot shoes), and code pressure vessels and tanks.
Flexible thermal insulation for mechanical systems and process piping. Elastomeric and polyethylene pipe insulations control condensation and heat flow.
Manufactures fittings and fabrications for the repair, connection and branching/tapping of all types and sizes of pipe. Innovative engineering assures a technically advanced design with the highest safety factor possible.
A resource for piping and hvac designers and engineers seeking information, jobs, news, articles and links pertaining to piping and hvac design and engineering.